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08/19/2004: "Default Test entry"

posted by True @ 10:23PM EDT
This is the form by which you add new entries to your weblog/journal. You can make this either a standard or extended entry;
standard entries contain only main text (the first box), while extended entries also have "more" text (the second box).
Standard & extended entries can be handled and formatted in distinct ways via your templates.

If you wish to enable or disable karma voting and/or comment posting for this entry, you can specify it below (use Configuration to set whether those are on or off by default), unless you've disabled karma or comments altogether. You can also specify whether to keep an entry permanently at the top of your main log (you can edit the entry later to turn that off).
[Flames: 0 (Flames are 'good' here!) (Heat it up! / Cool it down!)]

This is what readers of the above entry have to say...