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Gian Carlo Minardi desea contar con Fernando
En una entrevista en exclusiva para y Gian Carlo Minardi ha declarado que desearia contar con Fernando Alonso para la temporada próxima. Además no descarta que su compañero sea Pedro Martínez de la Rosa. ¿Habrá el año que viene una alineación totalmente española en Minardi? Stoddart, recently promised to bring into the team an experienced individual and a young blood. Have you decided on the driver's line-up, or if not have you thought of anyone in particular?

GM: I would be dishonest not to say that Alonso is one of our main targets since he has already signed an agreement with us in split ownership with his F3000 team. Also, with the sudden availability of Pedro de la Rosa, I do envision the possibility for an all Spanish line-up. It will be hard but not impossible. We will have to wait how things develop in the next few days. We are working to create as many options as possible and with the whole European Racing driver pool to choose from, there are still a lot of possibilities.