What are you doing to help those affected by the tragedy?

    (September 28, 1) Total votes: 45
    This poll is closed
Donating Bibles:
4%(2 votes)
4%(2 votes)
76%(34 votes)
76%(34 votes)
Donating Money:
13%(6 votes)
13%(6 votes)
0%(0 votes)
0%(0 votes)
A little bit of everything:
4%(2 votes)
4%(2 votes)
2%(1 votes)
2%(1 votes)

This poll is by no means scientific and shouldn't be treated as such. Percents may not total 100% due to rounding or insuffiecient data.

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A Life Transformed
I lived my life with reckless abandon, like there would be, no tomorrow. I lived life on the edge, engaging death as a playmate. If death came, then that too, I'd hoped in it's finality, would be the ultimate experience I craved. Maybe in death, I could finally realize the meaning of life.

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