Recently NewsWeek did an article about why people sin. They concluded that people do crime is because of events in their child hood. What do you think?

    (June 1, 2001) Total votes: 36
    This poll is closed
I believe the Bible is right... it's sin:
75%(27 votes)
75%(27 votes)
Events in people's live cause them to sin:
19%(7 votes)
19%(7 votes)
I'm ignorant... there's no such thing as sin:
6%(2 votes)
6%(2 votes)

This poll is by no means scientific and shouldn't be treated as such. Percents may not total 100% due to rounding or insuffiecient data.

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I lived my life with reckless abandon, like there would be, no tomorrow. I lived life on the edge, engaging death as a playmate. If death came, then that too, I'd hoped in it's finality, would be the ultimate experience I craved. Maybe in death, I could finally realize the meaning of life.

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